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Volunteer Opportunities

Get Involved with APA

Looking for easy, fun ways to get more involved at the International Personalization Expo in Las Vegas or year-round with APA?  It’s as easy as 1-2-3!   Learn about the volunteer opportunities, decide what interests you the most, then complete the online Volunteer Form.


Sound interesting? Here’s more information.

What does an Education Advocate do?

  1. Introduce the seminar speaker. Approximately a week prior to the show you will receive information from headquarters that will contain the speaker's bio and a simple "script" to introduce the speaker.
  2. Provide basic information about the certification program to assist those who are earning credits toward their CRS and CRM accreditation.
  3. Help distribute and collect the Seminar Evaluation & CEU Reporting forms during the seminar.
  4. Monitor the performance of the speaker so we can ensure we are providing the highest standards in education.
  5. Feel proud that you have supported your association, APA. 

What do volunteers do at the ARIEF Silent Auction?

The ARIEF Silent Auction will take place Wednesday, February 8 and Thursday, February 9 during the 2023 International Awards & Personalization Expo.

ARIEF committee members and volunteers host the event to raise money for the Foundation. Products are displayed in the registration area where attendees can view and bid throughout the show. All proceeds go directly to ARIEF who supports the financial assistance to students, affiliated with APA member companies, who wish to pursue an education in any field of their choice.

What does an Awards Judge do?

An Awards Judge evaluates and judges the Best Booth, Best Catalog and Product Showcase displays during the International Personalization Expo. The judging commitment takes place the morning of Thursday, February 9.

What are the year-round volunteer opportunities?

Volunteer opportunities exist year-round with APA. Volunteers are needed to serve on the Board and various committees. Whether you have a lot of time or a little, there are many ways that you can serve your association and your industry.

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APA - Where Personalization Pros Connect.

The APA is the organization for retailers and suppliers of personalized and customized items. By providing education, meetings, and access to a vibrant network of professionals, the APA is the one place to ensure the growth of your talent, your business, and your professional community.

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