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Your Road to Success

Taking education to the next level is the foundation of the APA certification program. Becoming certified verifies required levels of education and experience and demonstrates a commitment to continuing education. When your dedication to learning is recognized, it shows in the services you provide and the confidence you exhibit to customers.

“Achieving my CRS has put me in an elite group dedicated to ongoing education and committed to quality.”  –Jennifer Dillon, CRS, Sahuaro Trophy

The certification program is based on continuing education units (CEUs), the nationally recognized unit of measure for continuing education hours. There are two levels of certification offered by APA:

  • Certified Recognition Specialist (CRS) is the first milestone of commitment to continuing education and expertise.
  • Certified Recognition Master (CRM) is the highest level of achievement in the awards and personalization industry.

By enrolling in the certification program, you are taking steps toward showcasing your qualifications and demonstrated knowledge in the industry.



Track Your CEUs

List of CRS Members

List of CRM Members


For further information about the certification program, call 847.375.4729 or contact Alisha Coplin at

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APA - Where Personalization Pros Connect.

The APA is the organization for retailers and suppliers of personalized and customized items. By providing education, meetings, and access to a vibrant network of professionals, the APA is the one place to ensure the growth of your talent, your business, and your professional community.

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