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What Happens in Vegas Builds Your Business

Dan Messerschmidt, JDS Industries
President, APA - Where Personalization Pros Connect

(November/December 2024) We’ll be walking the show floor of the International Personalization Expo in Las Vegas before you know it. Thousands of personalization pros will join us at the Horseshoe Las Vegas for the biggest show in the industry, Feb. 4–7. We will be there because we are all investing in the success of our companies—regardless of your business type or size.

The theme of my presidency is “Awareness. Engagement. Connection.” Being part of APA is the best way to stay aware of what’s going on in the industry. The International Personalization Expo is your opportunity to engage with inspiring education and ideas and connect with colleagues you can rely on and suppliers who will support you. Remember, registration is free for members! Not a member? Join when you register to take advantage of big savings! Learn more at


Why Should You Attend?

  • Networking and connecting: Meet people you can call on throughout the year for advice and support. Suppliers and retailers are eager to collaborate, share knowledge, and exchange ideas.
  • Market research: Gather valuable insights into new industry trends and technologies. Exhibitors will share new market opportunities and can help retailers develop innovative products and services their customers have never seen.
  • Brand awareness and lead generation: Exhibitors increase brand visibility and awareness by spending time with a targeted audience of qualified customers—building relationships, learning more about their needs, taking on-site orders, and having leads to follow up on when they get home.
  • Product launches: Industry companies love to make a big splash by launching new products and services at the Expo. Exhibitors generate buzz and excitement around their brands, and attendees are the first to get their hands on exciting new offerings.

A New Familiar Face

While in Las Vegas, exhibitors and attendees alike will reconnect in person with a new staff member. APA is excited to welcome Dave Pomeroy as our new director of business development. Pomeroy has an impressive 30 years of industry experience from his work with National Business Media, prior to NBM’s sell-off of its industry publications and events. Reconnect with Pomeroy ahead of the Expo by emailing at  and in person in Las Vegas.


Pomeroy’s new role showcases something really great about our association. In theory, Pomeroy used to work for the competition. However, he has always had a passion for our industry and for the people who work in it. It is that passion that has us so excited about him joining APA! We exist to help businesses thrive, and that is exactly what Pomeroy focuses on every day.

Connect and Collaborate

In other industries, everyone is seen as a competitor, and everyone jealously guards their knowledge and experience. Lucky for us, that is not the case with APA. Our members share their experience, give advice, and share their successes to help their fellow members grow.


You will see this lived out in Las Vegas this year. You will see APA members who treat each other like family. These relationships often started with a conversation between strangers at the Expo on the show floor, in the hallway, or at an educational event.

Connections like these are undersold by the term “networking,” aren’t they? Let’s upgrade “networking” to “connecting” at the Expo. Leverage APA by creating the connections that benefit you and your business. Get started now—register to join us Feb. 4–7 for the International Personalization Expo at Horseshoe Las Vegas.

Maximize Your ROI with APA Education

I have found repeatedly that the people who take the time to attend classes at the Expo get more out of the show overall and build stronger connections with the experts and other attendees.

Attendees tend to hang around after the education sessions to talk with each other and the presenters. The sessions fuel conversation and get people talking. Members discuss how they use specific technologies or products, bounce around ideas for leveraging what they learned, and share what has and has not worked well with their customers.

This type of connection is invaluable! Magic happens when the right people are in the room to listen, brainstorm, and innovate. Like many of the products we make and sell, this interactive advice and ideation is personalized! In fact, our Roundtable Discussions turn these conversations into the education session itself.

APA - Where Personalization Pros Connect.

The APA is the organization for retailers and suppliers of personalized and customized items. By providing education, meetings, and access to a vibrant network of professionals, the APA is the one place to ensure the growth of your talent, your business, and your professional community.

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