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Strong Connections Matter, and APA Can Help You Create Them

Dan Messerschmidt, JDS Industries
President, APA - Where Personalization Pros Connect


(May/June 2024) The modern world can be isolating. We’re so busy that building genuine connections can seem like a lost art—or a luxury we can’t afford to make time for. But humans are social creatures. Craving connection isn’t a weakness, it’s a fundamental need.

Psychologist Abraham Harold Maslow is famous for creating Maslow’s hierarchy of needs, which outlines basic needs that must be met before we can address our psychological needs and eventually try to achieve self-fulfillment.

Belonging and love are smack-dab in the middle of Maslow’s pyramid. Once we’ve fulfilled our basic needs (physiological needs and safety), we need relationships and friends or we can’t advance to trying to meet our needs for respect, recognition, self-esteem, and eventually, self-actualization.

Research shows that strong social connections have a profound impact on our well-being. They can:

  • Reduce stress and anxiety. Having a strong support system helps you navigate life’s challenges.
  • Boost happiness and life satisfaction. Feeling connected to others gives your life meaning and purpose.
  • Improve physical health. Studies even suggest that strong social bonds can lower blood pressure and strengthen your immune system. Quality relationships—with friends, family, and, yes, professional peers and colleagues—are the sunshine to our emotional well-being. The people we value (and who value us) stave off chronic loneliness and the host of problems it’s been linked to, from anxiety and depression to heart disease and cognitive decline.

So, how do busy business people combat loneliness and cultivate vital connections in our lives? Here’s where I want to talk about an often-overlooked power of APA.

You know our association is built to make sure your business thrives. That engagement you put in to build your business with our resources is also a fantastic way to create quality relationships with people who share your interests and goals. At APA, we understand the challenges and triumphs specific to your career, your company, and our industry.

Your fellow APA members can be a source of:

  • Mentorship and guidance: Learn from experienced professionals who can offer valuable advice. They can be the experts speaking at our expo or presenting webinars, or they can be someone you connect with on the M2M Forum.
  • Collaboration and networking: Expand your professional circle with people who can help you. Our members have great examples of other members they met through APA helping them when they needed it most, like lending time on their laser to a fellow member whose laser was awaiting repair.
  • Friendship and camaraderie: Build genuine connections with people who get it. Don’t underestimate how personable our members are. We’re a lot of fun! At our expo, you might see a group of people talking and laughing together, then find out that they just met each other for the first time. We all have so much in common that it’s easy to click.

Sometimes, people think of professional organizations as awkward small talk and business card exchanges. APA isn’t like that. Our association connects you with the resources you need but also opens the door to the people who share your passion, understand your professional challenges, and offer invaluable guidance. You just have to walk through.

Building Your Circle: Take the First Step

Don’t underestimate the power of a simple hello at a meeting or a “Can I pick your brain?” email to someone you find interesting. Stepping outside your comfort zone can lead to genuine connections that enrich your life, both personally and professionally. Here are some ways you can take the first step and get involved:

  • Get on the M2M Forum and introduce yourself. Then, chime in when you have experiences that can help someone else, or ask questions when you need someone else’s knowledge.
  • Attend APA webinars and follow up with the speaker if you have questions.
  • Read Insights Magazine and contact industry writers or article subjects when something they wrote really speaks to you.
  • Attend the International Personalization Expo every year in Las Vegas, and talk to everyone—the people sitting next to you during education sessions, someone in the hall who mentions a piece of equipment you’ve considered buying, and the exhibitors who can tell you what they’re seeing a growing demand for.
  • Volunteer with the association, even if it’s only at the expo. Many of us in APA leadership started out as one-time expo volunteers.

I’ve been involved with APA the entire time I’ve worked in the industry. That’s because it benefits me personally and professionally. I’ve met a lot of amazing people through APA—people who have become trusted resources that I can lean on and people who have become friends I rely on.

Staying involved with APA is a powerful step you can take toward building your own strong network of supportive, inspiring people. It's an investment in your well-being, both personally and professionally. Take the leap, get connected, and watch your life flourish!

APA - Where Personalization Pros Connect.

The APA is the organization for retailers and suppliers of personalized and customized items. By providing education, meetings, and access to a vibrant network of professionals, the APA is the one place to ensure the growth of your talent, your business, and your professional community.

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